
Under Review

53. K. Yu and J. Choi*, “A Complementary Control Approach of Robust and Adaptive Control for Model based Control of Time-Varying Systems,” presented at IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Boston, MA, USA, 2024.
46. K. Yu, Y. Shin, and J. Choi*, "A Novel Winding Approach with Disturbance Observer," presented at 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and System (ICCAS), 2023.
45. D. Kwan, H. Kim, and J. Choi*, "Intelligent Lower Limb Blood Circulation System for Long-Sitting People," presented at 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and System (ICCAS), 2023.
43. D. Kwon, H. Kim, and J. Choi*, "Intelligent Lower Limb Blood Circulation System for Long-Sitting People," at presented 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC WC), 2023.
 42. W. Seo, H. Lee, and J. Choi*, "Wearable Achilles Tendon Imitating Spring to Assist Running Activity," at presented 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC WC), 2023.
 41. G. Sung and J. Choi*, “A Quasi-Passive Pneumatic Spring System supporting Quadriceps Muscles,” at presented 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC WC), 2023.
40. Y. Shin, K. Yu, and J. Choi*, "Development of New Generation Winding Machine using Tow Prepreg," at presented 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC WC), 2023.
38. S. Kim, S. Noh, and J. Choi*, “공압 스프링 시스템을 이용한 준수동형 무릎 보조 장치,” In Proc. 38th Institute of Control Robotics, and System (ICROS), 2023, pp. 3-4.
37. H. Kim, D. Kwon, and J. Choi*, "Linkage Mechanism-based Forced Blood Circulation System for Lower Limbs with an Indirect Stimulation Device," at presented 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and System (ICCAS), 2022.
29. H. Kim, D. Kwon, and J. Choi*, “하지 혈액순환을 위한 발판형 운동 장치,” 17th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC), 2022
28. K. Yu, Y. Shin, G. Sung, and J. Choi*, “외란관측기 기반의 가상의 힘 센서,” 17th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC), 2022
27. H. Lee, W. Seo, and J. Choi*, “보행 보조를 위한 가변지름 구동기의 개발,” 17th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC), 2022

26. J. Heo, S, Hwang, and J. Choi*, “인간의 근육 특성을 모방한 허리 보조용 외근육 구동기 개발,” 17th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC), 2022

25. W. Seo, H. Lee, and J. Choi*, “센서 부착 위치와 관계없이 동일한 관절 정보를 측정하기 위한 센서 정렬 및 보정 알고리즘,” 17th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC), 2022, (Best Paper Award Nominated)

24. Y. Shin, K. Yu, G. Sung, and J. Choi*, “물리적 센서없이 반력을 유지하는 외란 관측자 기반의 힘 제어 알고리즘,” presented at 17th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC), 2022. [우수논문상 후보]
23. K. -W. Park, J. Choi and K. Kong, "High-Precision Motion Control of a Lower-Limb Wearable Robot for People with Walking Disability by Hybrid Filtered Disturbance Observer," In Proc. 2021 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Jeju, Republic of Korea, 2021, pp. 1218-1223.

21. K. -W. Park, J. Choi and K. Kong, "Hybrid Model Control of WalkON Suit for Precise and Robust Gait Assistance of Paraplegics,“ In Proc. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi'an, China, 2021, pp. 10385-10390

20. J. Choi, “Exoskeleton Race”, presented at Korean Society of Rehabilitation Robot (KORERO), Plenary Session, 2021.

19. J. Choi, “하지완전마비 장애인용 외골격로봇의 보행생성 및 제어 방법,” presented at 6th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC), Workshop, 2021.
18. K. -W. Park, J. Park, J. Choi and K. Kong, "Adaptive Gait Pattern Generation of a Powered Exoskeleton by Iterative Learning of Human Behavior," In Proc. 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2020, pp. 3410-3415.
17. H. Lee, J. Kim, and J. Choi*, “자기부상기술이 적용된 브러시리스 직류 모터 시스템의 설계,” presented at 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 2019, pp. 1282-1283.
16. D. Kwon and J. Choi*, “신축성 소프트 구조를 이용한 인공 근육 시스템의 개발,” presented at 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 2019, pp. 1264-1265.
15. H. Kim, J. Heo, Y. Lee, J. Park, and J. Choi*, “휠체어 사용자를 위한 핼역순환개선장치,“ presented at 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 2019, pp. 1266-1267.
13. J. Choi, B. Na, P.-G. Jung, D.-W. Rha, and K. Kong, "Joint Trajectory Generation and Motion Control of a Wearable Robot for Complete Paraplegics Based on Forward Inflection Walking," presented at 17th International Conference on Control, Automation, and System (ICCAS), 2017.
12. J. Choi, B. Na, P. -G. Jung, D. -w. Rha and K. Kong, "Joint trajectory generation and motion control of a wearable robot for complete paraplegics based on forward inflection walking," In Proc. 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Maui, HI, USA, 2017, pp. 1277-1281.
11. J. Choi, “Research Trends and Prospects of Smart Exoskeleton Wearable Robot for Disabled Person”, presented at Korean Society for Precision Engineering (KSPE), 2017.
10. J. Choi, H. Choi, K. Kong, and D.J. Hyun, "An Adaptive Disturbance Observer for Precision Control of Time-Varying System,“ In Proc. 7th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems MECHATRONICS, vol. 49, no. 21, 2016, pp. 240-245.
9. J. Jung, J. Choi, B. Na, and K. Kong, "Automatic Tuning of a Mechanical Design Parameter of a Robotic Leg by Iterative Learning Mechatronics," In Proc. 2016 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), Xi'an, China, 2016, pp. 88-92.
8. Y. Seo, J. Choi, B. Na, K. Park, K. Kong, “ 2 족형 로봇의 차원 임피던스 독립 제어 알고리즘”, presented at 11th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC), 2016.
7. B. Na, J. Choi, S. Oh, K. Park, and K. Kong, "Dynamics Analysis and Optimization of Spinal Motion for the Galloping of a Quadruped Robot," presented at 3rd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD), 2014.
5. J. Choi, B. Na, S. Oh, and K. Kong, "Robust Position Tracking Control and Ground Contact Detection of a Cheetaroid-I Leg by a Disturbance Observer," In Proc. 19th World Congress the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), vol. 47, no. 3, 2014, pp. 7246-7251.
4. D. Hyun, J. Choi, and K. Kong, "A High Performance Tracking Control Method Based on a Disturbance Observer with Parameter Adaptation," In Proc. ASME 2013 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), vol. 2,  2013
3. J. Choi and K. Kong, "Optimal Sensor Fusion for Estimation of Absolute Position and Orientation of a Self-driving Vehicle," presented at 8th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC), 2013
2. J. Choi and K. Kong, "Time-Varying Extended Kalman Filtering for Localization of a Self-Driving Vehicle," presented at International Conference on Computers, Networks, Systems, and Industrial Applications (CNSI), 2012.
1. J. Choi, S. Song, and K. Kong, "Localization of a Self-Driving Vehicle by Extended Kalman Filtering with Fixed Gains," presented at International Conference on Computers, Networks, Systems, and Industrial Applications (CNSI), 2012.